Monday, 24 March 2008

Just back in Yaounde after a wonderful weekend. Imagine a Bounty advert OK witout te rum I admit, but white sand, warm sea, ot ot sun and fres fish cooked over coals on the beach, minutes after being caught... That is Kribi.

I will blog more about it tomorrow and send you photos of us frollicking in the waves.

But for now we are writing reports and processes for the next voluteers. This is not my favorite pastime but it as to be done. Yaounde is not a pretty place. It is unsafe, particularly for "les balncs" as we stand out like a sore tumb as rich and un streetwise. We have to gather in groups and take taxis everywhere and the drivers are often really drunk or stoned. It is not a nice experience to be in a taxi with 6 others, in a part of the city that is unfamiliar with a drunk driver. I have done it once and will never do it again.

The alternative is to wait for George - a national pastime here. This George is one of the two taxi drivers in the whole of Yaounde that are to be trusted, recomended by VSO. But I might wait an hour to travel for 10 minutes.

It is a mad mad place. Ugly, hot, dangerous and full of pople who, if I have the time and inclination to chat to them, are very nice people, but, too too busy earning money to be kind and considerate and too tired to care. It is a very sad place really.

But I am having fun quand meme.

Next week is my last and I am not going to let tis nasty city get to me. I have plans that involve visiting posh hotels to swim in their pools.ut that will be after running a 2 day workshop in the North West which will mean 2 eight hour bus rides. And thats another blog another day.

My money is running out at te internet cafe and I am off for... guess what? Fried fis and platain for supper. And do you know what? I may treat myself to an avocado and a beer then take the 5 minute walk back to my hotel. I cant be ++++ to wait for George and I have 3 other Blancs for company.

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